5 Very Important Tips For Protecting Your Nails!

5 Very Important Tips For Protecting Your Nails!
Nails are an integral part of people's body. Manicure on nails is what many women do. Applying nail polish and designing nails is of course a way for ladies to become beautiful. However, you must pay attention to don't forget to care for your nails while you love your beauty. Here are 5 tips for protecting your nails!
Vertical nails
Vertical nails
Reason: This may not only be a matter of nail care, it may be due to iron, folate, protein and other nutrients
Solution: If the symptoms are mild, you can lightly polish them with a polishing bar and then apply nail oil for maintenance. Eat a balanced diet and eat some foods that supplement the above nutrients, such as eggs, pork liver, etc.
Nails are brittle and easily broken
Nails are brittle and easily broken
Reasons: excessive trimming of nails, frequent nail manicure, dehydration of nails, or lack of vitamin A (helping to produce protein, an important part of nails), lack of vitamin B7 (helping nails grow and become firm)
Solution: Let your nails rest for a while ~ Don't do nail art for the time being, be sure to apply hand cream after washing your hands. Eat more vitamin supplements, such as peanuts, egg yolks, green leafy vegetables, and more.
Cause: The skin around the nails is too dry or chemical damage (soap, detergent) Or physical damage. The skin around the nails is very thin, without sebaceous glands, lack of hair follicles, inflammation, chemical stimulation, allergic reactions Common entrance. Excessive dryness of the cuticle of the skin will produce barbs. Soap, detergent, or physical friction will cause the stratum corneum to lose its protection. Excessive moisture evaporation will cause dryness and peeling.
Solution: Remember to wear gloves when you can't avoid it. Do a good job of moisturizing. The skin around the nails is very thin. Apply hand cream immediately after washing your hands can protect the moist cuticle.
Beautybigbang finger oil can protect and moisturize the stratum corneum.
Dead Skin Remover
Dead Skin Remover
In general, the circulation cycle of the skin is 28 days, and the stratum corneum will naturally fall off with metabolism. If the cells are too late to detach, it will accumulate on the surface of the skin and form old waste keratin, which is dead skin. If you do not pay attention to the hand armor, it is easy to form dead skin.
If you haven't had dead skin before, and it feels hard around the nails, you can use a corner pliers to remove the dead skin.
These are five tips for caring for your nails.
See more ideas about nail tips, nail art design and pretty nails.


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